Library at a glance
- Library at a glance
- Library Automation
- Digitalization Initiative
- Library Services
- E-Resources Service
Library at a glance
Total Collection of documents:26882
Total Collection of Books-22850
Donated Books Collection:2141
Bound Volumes Collection:1294
E-Library Collection: 85 (CDs/DVDs)
Thesis & Dissertations: 49
Periodicals (Titles) Subscribed: 18
Subscribed to INFLIBNET NLIST Consortia
Newspapers (Titles): 06 Daily & 01 Weekly
Library Automation
LIBMAN a cloud-based software is used for library automation. Library is partially computerized. Web OPAC and M-OPAC Facility is available.
Digitalization Initiative
Manuscripts of various Departments and college Magazine Nivedita of Mahila Mahavidyalaya Nagpur are available in digital form.
Library Services
Reading Room Facility
Reading room of the library is open for the students and teachers of the Institute. Newspapers reading, Periodicals and Journals reading and books reading facility is available.
Lending of Documents
Open access for PG Students, Researchers, Teaching and Non-teaching staff and access is closed for senior and junior college students. Students can issue three books at a time for 7 days. Staff can issue books as per their requirement.
Newspaper Clipping Service
The records of the Newspaper clippings of the college news are maintained.
Reference Service
Staff and students can issue Reference Books, Syllabus, Journals and magazines for reference.
Students Aid Service
Library motivates the students for reading the books other than text books, organizes training for e-resources access and internet use for UG and PG students.
Special Services
Special Deposit Scheme: Books are issued to outsiders under Special Deposit Scheme. The scheme was recognized as the Best Practice by NAAC in their Best Practice in Library and Information Services in April 2006. Book Deposit Scheme: Books are issued to the students till university examination during summer vacations. 90% of the amount is refunded after the clearance from the library. Display of Information: Library displays notices and other useful information on notice board. Every year library organized book exhibition.
M-OPAC Facility
The library has mobile based OPAC system (M-OPAC) which can be accessed by the users from anywhere on their mobile phones. Information Literacy Service Every year library organizes library orientation programme and training programmes (E-resources access training under NLIST Programme & Internet Use) for the users. Institution of Best Library User Award Every year Library gives Best Library User Award to one student and one staff member for maximum utilization of print and e-resources of library.
E-Resources Service
Access to e-journals and e-books through INFLIBNET NLIST Programme are made available to the users. Internet facility for internet use is available in the library for the users. Useful links are made available for users. Our Achievement: Our Institute being listed as top 10 National NLIST users for two consecutive months of March and May in 2021.
Inter Library Loan Service/Resource Sharing Facility
Resource sharing facility made available by the institute under the MOU signed with other institutions. Under this service, users of the participating library can issue books from library and also users of our library can borrow books from other participating library for research.
Some Useful Links
Sr.No. | Link |
1. | NLIST |
2. | OPAC |
3. | Cinacle Journal |
4. | Langlit Journal |
5. | UPA National Interdisciplinary Peer Reviewed E-Journal |
6. | Library Scholar International Peer-reviewed Journal of Library Science |
Metric No. | Metric | Link-1 | Link-2 |
6.1.1 QlM | The governance and leadership is in accordance with vision and mission of the institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participation in the institutional governance | Link-1 | |
6.2.1 QlM | The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, deployment of institutional Strategic/ perspective/development plan etc | Link-1 | |
6.2.2 QnM | Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation 1 Administration 2 Finance and Accounts 3 Student Admission and Support 4 Examination | Link-1 | |
6.3.1 QlM | The institution has effective welfare measures and Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff | Link-1 | |
6.3.2 QnM | Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years | Link-1 | Link-2 |
6.3.3 QnM | Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years | Link-1 | Link-2 |
6.4.1 QlM | Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds from various sources (government/ nongovernment organizations) and it conducts financial audits regularly (internal and external) | Link-1 | |
6.5.1 QlM | Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes. It reviews teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and records the incremental improvement in various activities | Link-1 | |
6.5.2 QnM | Quality assurance initiatives of the institution | Link-1 | Link-2 |
Metric No. | Metric | Link-1 | Link-2 |
7.1.1 QlM | Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity and Institutional initiatives to celebrate / organize national and international commemorative days, events and festivals during the last five years | Link-1 | |
7.1.2 QnM | The institution has facilities and initiatives for 1 Alternative Energy 2 Management of Waste 3 Water Conservation 4 Green Campus 5 Disable Friendly Environment | Link-1 | |
7.1.3 QnM | Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution. The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following | Link-1 | Link-2 |
7.1.4 QlM | Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment | Link-1 | |
7.2.1 QlM | Best Practice-1 & Best Practice-2 |
Metric No. | Metric | Link-1 | Link-2 |
Criterion-7 Best Practice-1 | Criterion-1 Best Practice-1 | Link-1 | |
Criterion-7 Best Practice-2 | Criterion-7 Best Practice-2 | Link-1 | |
Best_Practice-1 & 2 | Best_Practice-1 & 2 | Link-1 | |
Extended Profile_1.1 | Number of Students Year wise during the Last five years (First, Second & Third Year) | Link-1 | Link-2 |
Extended Profile_2.1 | Number of Full Time Teachers during the Last Five Years (Without Repeat Count) | Link-1 | Link-2 |
Extended Profile_2.2 | Number of Full Time Teachers Year Wise During the Last Five Years | Link-1 | |
Extended Profile_3.1 | Expenditure Excluding Salary Component Year Wise during the Last Five Years. | Link-1 | Link-2 |
2017-18 | Dr. Sampada Naseri | Link-1 | |
2018-19 | Dr. Kshama Chavan | Link-1 | |
2018-19 | Dr, Chandrashekhar Gitte-1 | Link-1 | |
2018-19 | Dr. Chandrashekhar Gitte-2 | Link-1 | |
2018-19 | Dr. Chandrashekhar Gitte-3 | Link-1 | |
2019-20 | Dr. Saroj Aglave | Link-1 | |
2020-21 | Dr. Rashtrapal Ganvir | Link-1 | |
2020-21 | Dr. Chandrashekhar Gitte-1 | Link-1 | |
2020-21 | Dr. Chandrashekhar Gitte-2 | Link-1 | |
2020-21 | Dr. Mangala Gore | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Anil Dodewar-1 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Anil Dodewar-2 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Rashtrapal Ganvir-1 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Rahstrapal Ganvir-2 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Chandrashekhar Gitte | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Mangala Gore-1 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Mangala Gore-2 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Pravina Nagpurkar-1 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Pravina Nagpurkar-2 | Link-1 | |
2021-22 | Dr. Sampada Naseri | Link-1 |